Beauworth Bouquet

  • Our Beauworth - Bouquet is the perfect floral gift to celebrate special occasions. Expertly crafted in our Winchester Workshops, the stunning arrangement features florists choice of  pink and cream summer flowers, such as stocks, arranged in a hand-tied bouquet.  Enjoy safe and personal delivery to your door.
  • Mills in Bloom 01962 864180

NB - Stems shown in our images may be seasonally unavailable, we will use alternative complimentary flowers to the same value or more. The bouquet will be in water and presented in a hand-tied bag, wrapped in tissue, tied with raffia.

Same day delivery is subject to flower stocks and delivery drivers. Orders placed for same day need verbal / email confirmation. We answer our phones 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.Our local delivery charges start from £9.50 We do not offer timed delivery.

If the recipient is not in, we will leave the flowers in a safe place, or a willing neighbour. Failing this, a note will be left, ALL Funeral orders require 48 hours NOTICE.

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