Send your sympathies and condolences with the Abbotts Worthy - Bouquet. This arrangement contains a gorgeous cream roses and lily, with other fresh flowers and foliage of subtle hues chosen by our florists. Send luxury with a vase for an extra-special touch. Let this thoughtful gift remember a loved one and create a lasting tribute.
Mills in Bloom - Florist in Winchester UK
NB - Stems shown in our images may be seasonally unavailable, we will use alternative complimentary flowers to the same value or more. The bouquet will be in water and presented in a hand-tied bag, wrapped in tissue, tied with raffia.
Same day delivery is subject to flower stocks and delivery drivers. Orders placed for same day need verbal / email confirmation. We answer our phones 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.Our local delivery charges start from £9.50 We do not offer timed delivery.
If the recipient is not in, we will leave the flowers in a safe place, or a willing neighbour. Failing this, a note will be left, ALL Funeral orders require 48 hours NOTICE.